<p>Applied SCEA.</p>
<p>Gender/ethnicity: Male/Hispanic Jew (I have a funny background)
High school: terrible public, has gotten about 3 people into HYPS in the last 5 years
GPA: 4.0 UW/4.5+W
Rank: 11/540 (bad 8th grade and my ECs give unweighted grades)</p>
<p>SAT: Critical Reading 800, Math 740, Writing 800
Subjects: Literature 800, US History 800, Math 2 800
APs: US History (5), Environmental Science (5), taking six this year.</p>
Debate 11-12: Varsity Public Forum Captain (12), Treasurer (12), league champion in PF (11).
Academic Decathlon 11-12: 8 medals (11), team captain (12).
Model United Nations 11-12: Treasurer (12).
Vietnamese Culture Club 11-12: VP (12).
Science Fiction Club 9-12: Officer (11), VP/Secretary (12).</p>
<p>Work Experience:
Worked 20 hours/week for one whole summer with my dad completely renovating our other house. I helped with everything from moving the previous tenants out to repairing literally EVERYTHING to repainting, recarpeting, retiling, etc. to interviewing potential new tenants. I put this down because it was a really cool experience and I think I grew a lot.</p>
Student of the month, various academic achievement awards at my school, National Merit Semi-Finalist, National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar.</p>
One kind of lackluster from my APUSH teacher, I was pretty much a perfect student but he's just not a very good writer. The other one I didn't see, but it came from my English teacher last year, who saved my final essay to read last because he wanted to retire from teaching on a good note and has told me I'm one of the best students he's had, so I'm sure that one was great. Counselor recommendation may not have been very good, since my regular counselor went on maternity leave, but the new one called me in and I think she liked me a lot.</p>
Common App essay was about becoming league champion in public forum after basically totally failing earlier in the year (went 1-2 at my first tournament, was generally really disappointed in myself). I think it showed my uncertainty and doubt and that I realized what I could accomplish if I just believed in myself (I had severe self-confidence issues in 9th and 10th grade, which is why I didn't really do anything then). It was a kind of risky essay because I wrote it in an unorthodox style and really revealed a lot of my weaknesses. My supplemental essay was about my quest to watch all of AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies; I think it was very good. My 150-word EC essay pretty much explained why a Mexican Jew would be active in Vietnamese Culture Club; I think it was great, if that matters.</p>
<p>I kind of feel like I'm going to get rejected. What do you guys think?</p>