<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>I finally was able to load my UW unofficial transcript today. But when it loaded, it told me that my major was Computer Science in the College of Arts and Sciences.</p>
<p>Could this be an indication of being directly admitted?</p>
<p>Yes, Congrats, D. transcript has not update yet.</p>
<p>Does it actually say Computer Science for you? Cause under college for my transcript it just says Arts and Sciences and under major it says pre-sciences.</p>
<p>OP, yes, that would be an indication. The advisors won’t submit a change of major (pre-science to computer science || pre-engineering to computer engineering) unless you’ve been accepted.</p>
<p>However, I think this is the first year that the major has shown up prior to students officially accepting the admissions offer from UW and the department. Wait for an official notice in early April to confirm direct admission.</p>
<p>How do you load up your unoffical transcripts?</p>
<p>Just did, and I get “The page cannot be displayed” error, I have already been admitted… so what does this mean.</p>
<p>D. applied to CSE direct admission but her major and college has not update yet. She took CSE142 in 2011 at UW high school . So her major is still “NON MATRICULATED” and college “Interdisc Undergrad Prog” . I don’t know when they are going to update her transcript so we can know whether it changes to Pre-engineer or Computer Engineer or Computer science. I guess we have to have until we get the Welcome package.</p>
<p>On my unofficial transcript, it lists my college as ENGINEERING and my major as ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Has it been confirmed that this means I likely got direct admission? EE was my first choice major.</p>
<p>Does a listing of “Pre-science” absolutely mean rejection? Because that’s what mine is… :(</p>
<p>@speedsolver if this indeed means that I got in, then I am really excited! Though it’s pretty interesting how they’re doing it different this year.</p>
<p>@exoblaze I actually haven’t heard of anyone else getting into CS direct yet this year. Perhaps they still are making decisions?</p>
<p>It might be a general CoEng thing to submit the majors already if lewhuiying got into EE as direct admit as well! Usually they need confirmation from freshman before submitting for major changes. :)</p>
<p>The advisors may still be making decisions, but I doubt they’d submit names for direct admit multiple times. Usually, about 70 or so people are admitted and that yields ~30 direct admit students for the incoming class.</p>
<p>My DS “unofficial transcript” page says “arts and sciences” as college and “CS” as major. CS and CE both are offered by school of CSE in College of Engg (per UW website) and this listing is confusing. </p>
<p>Current students - any ideas?</p>
<p>Unofficial transcript looks good with A&S and CS listed.
Keep a look out for official notification about direct admit in a few weeks (we’re currently assuming this means direct admit).</p>
<p>Just copying my answer from the other thread to your question, ParentNH (in case other people see this thread only):</p>
<p>Computer Science and Engineering is the name of the department (not a specific college/school). Computer science is under Arts and Sciences. Computer engineering is under College of Engineering.</p>
<p>There are different graduation requirements for each major based on which college it’s in. It’s kind of confusing, but that’s how it’s structured!</p>
<p>Thanks Speedsolver! I was searching in <a href=“http://www.cs.washington.edu/”>http://www.cs.washington.edu/</a> and looks like both CS and CE are taught by this department and they listed themselves under college of engineering. I just talked to a colleague of mine who is recent graduate of UW and he told “college of arts and sciences” is a big umbrella school that everyone in sciences and engineering studies there for a year or two before graduating from other colleges. So therefor almost all of freshmen students will be registered under “arts and science”. He also said CS and CE are both run by CSE department and there is no other school in UW for CS.</p>
<p>Adding more to the confusion.</p>
<p>ParentNH: Haha yeah, I think we should be more explicit about the A&S/CoE differences on the site! However, I have the impression that we get more funding through CoE compared to A&S, so it seems like we have stronger ‘ties’ with CoE.</p>
<p>A good number of students who are direct admits didn’t quite look thoroughly at the graduation requirements (ie. differences between A&S/CoE, or just CE/CS in general) and within their first year, switch from CS to CE or vice versa. I was originally a CE major and I switched to CS. If you chat with the advisors about it, they’re EXTREMELY helpful (and super awesome!) and very flexible with the switch.</p>