Did I get into Gemstone/ Honors or not?

<p>When I go to the admissions decision page on the UMD website, it says I got in but doesn't mention Honors or Gemstone. However, a form to accept/ deny going to Gemstone does come up and it greets me as if I did get in. Should I call or is it just a coding mistake or what?</p>

<p>technically the decisions arent even up yet, according to the UMD site, theyre still preparing, so it could be a glitch or anything</p>

<p>If it greets you, you’re in…ly on a day like this, the on-line info was going in and out, but if it said hi XXXX welcome to Gemstone, than they have your name…don’t worry.</p>

<p>My page says I got into Honors and Gemstone…like right when the decision comes up, right below the “Congratulations…blah blah”</p>

<p>can you get a scholarship if you are accepted to the scholars program?</p>

<p>or are scholarships reserved for honors/gemstones students?</p>

<p>DS got Presidential and he is scholars…he also was OOS with a 1390/2010 or 2020 (can’t remember)SAT and 4.17 W GPA</p>

Did the scholarship offer come with the formal acceptance letter via snail mail?</p>

<p>It is my understanding that scholarship offers/invitations should come later in February</p>

<p>Scholarship money comes later. 1st ones that will hear about scholarship money will be the BK invites.</p>

<p>Is it possible to do Honors, and Honors Humanities/Gemstones if you’re in Smith (the business school) if you want to double major or something like that?</p>

<p>Don’t bite off more than you can chew. SMith is reknown and it is that way because of the quality of the education. Higher quality usually translates into faster pace, more demanding classes. If I recall correctly Smith has a min gpa to remain in the program. Gemstone and a double major maybe setting you for failure. I myself graduated under grad and grad with double majors and I can tell you it is not as easy as you might think. Typically you will have to take some extra classes and carry more credits to do so. Gemstone reqs a project typical of a thesis at the end, so you are basically going to live, breath, eat academics for 4 yrs if you follow with that idea.</p>

<p>I am not trying to be a downer, but that’s just how I see it.</p>

<p>Think back to your freshman yr in hs, I am sure you felt like you were taken by warp speed from 8th grade…even taking APs is nothing in comparison, same with jump start. Freshman yr for many kids is the hardest. You will be adjusting to a large university, making friends, doing your own laundry, going to football games, maybe rushing, and just having fun while trying to maintain a good gpa. Some kids will be able to do this and some will come home at thanksgiving to break the news that they might be going on probation. These are the same kids that were just as smart as you when they entered.</p>

<p>Finally it is great to be in these programs and specialty schools, but remember these will be your last few yrs of no “real” responsibility…you don’t want to look back at your college education and say I didn’t have time to hang b/c I overdid it.</p>