Did I get rejected?

I have friends who were accepted today but they applied later than I did. My application status still says “complete ready for review” but I’m confused as to why their decision was made and mine wasn’t. How does Bama sort through applications?

You have not been rejected yet, don’t worry! Your application is still being reviewed! Until it says decision made, you have not been rejected or admitted. Just because your friends have been accepted already doesn’t mean that you have been rejected. Remember that they do have a lot of applications to go through, even if it is based solely on stats.

Are your stats on the cusp for acceptance? If so, they may wait to make a decision until the last date for ACT or SAT scores to be submitted has passed to see if you submit new scores. If your stats are well within Bama’s range, then I would assume that they just haven’t gotten to yours yet. It may be that your friends sent the application in later than you did, but their scores or transcripts were received prior to yours, meaning that their applications were complete before yours was.

@“beth’s mom” Will sending letters of rec & an essay increase my chances?

No, letters of recommendation and an essay will NOT make a difference. There’s also nothing you can do about your grades - your GPA for 9th through 11th grade is what it is, and it’s too late to change that now. Your grades from this semester will not make a difference.

The one thing you can do, if you’re concerned that your ACT/SAT score may not have been quite high enough, is to retake the test. If your test score is an issue, the admissions office will hold your app to see if you submit another set of test scores.

Not true.

If your grades are borderline, then Bama will ask you send your grades in from 1st semester.

And, sometimes Bama asks to see a writing sample. However, Bama will let you know if either is needed.

I agree that it could be that your friends’ transcripts and test scores were rec’d first.

What are your stats? Are you retesting?