Did i lose my chances of getting into a UC?

Second semester my sophomore year I got a D in Int Math 2/3 H. (I got a B first semester). I was slacking. It’s my only D in my transcript. I can t remake it because it s 2 years put together and they don t offer the class anymore or have it available as an online class. I asked my counselor if it looked bad and he said it doesn t really matter because I took a higher math. I took PreCal and passed with an A both semesters and now i m taking AP Cal. The only thing it hurts is my GPA. I now have a 3.9189 weighted and a 3.5135 unweighted with a 1210 SAT Score (First time so i’m retaking it) i’m just upset by this. My rank is 63/829. I was in the 30s but after that D, it all went downhill. I qualify for CSF but i m scared of not getting into a UC. I’m also secretary of my school’s Key Club if that’s any good. I really want to get into UC Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara or Irvine.

Completion of precalculus with C or higher grades validates lower level math courses in which a D/F grade was earned, so you would not be missing any math subject requirements, though the D/F grade would still affect your GPA. See http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/files/quick-reference-2016.pdf (page 21).

What is your UC weighted-capped GPA?

https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/freshman-admissions-summary says that, for 2016 applicants, the admit rates were:

UCSC: 85% for 3.80-4.19 GPA, 59% for 3.40-3.79 GPA
UCSB: 54% for 3.80-4.19 GPA, 14% for 3.40-3.79 GPA
UCI: 65% for 3.80-4.19 GPA, 13% for 3.40-3.79 GPA

Since the UC’s are very competitive, anything lower than a C on your transcript will make admissions difficult but not impossible. Much will depend upon your final UC weighted capped GPA, your test scores, EC’s and essays.

UCSC should be your target school, the other schools at this point are 50/50.

Best of luck.