<p>So I submitted their pre-app data sheet and the payment and got the email with the login number and everything. But now that I'm looking at the check list, *** is the essay? I mean there was no essay on the pre-app datasheet but is there another supplement that I have to do in addition to common app? Cause I looked everywhere and can't find any supplement. Also what is the "Support Material" listed under their deadline table?
OMG why can't WashU just post their supple on Common App like all the other schools....</p>
<p>Relax!! I applied to WashU this year too and I believe the only essay is the common app essay because thats the only one I wrote and sent to them and they told me my application was complete. If you’ve done that essay I suggest you take a deep breath and get your mind off the admissions process. Things take time to show up on the website.</p>
<p>True, there is no supplemental essay.</p>
<p>hi, did you get the email confirmation right after you submitted the pre application? cuz i have not heard from Wash U yet. :S</p>
<p>they list the common app essay separate from the “common app”. you’ll get a check mark for the essay as soon as they process your common app.</p>