Did I screw myself by applying for aid I won't need?

<p>Dear CC community,</p>

<p>does applying for fin aid when youre rich ruin your chances of admission to the school itself? or merely hurt your chances? or should i stop worrying and go back to watching family guy?</p>

<p>Without really thinking about it, I filled out m- FAFSA and CSS and sent them to:</p>

<p>Cornell, Johns Hopkins, NYU, and Northwestern</p>

<p>I never knew my parents income before, and when I filled the forms out, I didn't stop to think how much it was:
My mom made 120 k last year, but has little saved or in retirement and has 300 k in mortgage debt.
my dad made 160 k last year and has over 500 k saved. also, since he works for Johns Hopkins (the hospital, not the university, unfortunately for me), he has a nice perk: basically they pay about 2/3 of tuition to any school up to 20k a year. so 80 k over 4 years. I'm not sure that will show up on the FINAID forms, though.</p>

<p>point is, it seems to me that not only will i not receive aid, but I don't need it. my parents just said that they can cover all costs.</p>

<p>so my question is: have i ruined my chances at those schools? or will they see my EFC, laugh, throw away my FINAID app, and still let me in?</p>

<p>Please and thank you for any responses, advice, condemnations, etc</p>


<p>ps i also submitted fafsa to my UC schools, which only shows my moms 120 k basically. will that affect my admissions?</p>

<p>You are fine. They’ll just get a good laugh and throw your FA application out. It won’t have any effect on your application.</p>

<p>Some schools require you to fill out FA forms to be considered for merit aid.</p>



<p>Are your parents married and living together? If yes, then you must correct your FAFSA to include your dad’s income.</p>

<p>Remember willful misrepresentation can be grounds for having your admissions rescinded. You can also be charged with fraud and fined.</p>

<p>I think you can contact the schools and tell them that you won’t need FA.</p>



<p>That’s absolutely right. The thumping you hear outside right now is the SWAT team landing in your yard to arrest you. You better delete this site off your history and keep your mouth shut, no matter what they do to you. </p>

<p>Ha ha, just kidding. Don’t worry about it. Just make sure you have everything worked out re: the FAFSA so that you don’t get into trouble.</p>

<p>It sounds like your parents are divorced since you mention that your mom has no savings while your dad has lots. </p>

<p>If your parents are divorced, then you only include your mom’s income on the FAFSA, but if your dad pays child support, I’m guessing that you might have to include that, too.</p>

<p>thanks for the responses guys. my parents are divorced, so on my fafsa i did indeed only include my moms income/savings, and also i believe the child support she receives. haha and thanks for the concern, but I did not lie anywhere on the FA applications. at least knowingly… those things were confusing monsters.</p>

<p>if the swat team came I’d beat their asses!! … with my air soft guns… :/</p>

If I were you, I would contact those colleges and tell them you do not need FA (assuming this is true). Full-pay status may give you an edge in this economy.</p>