Did I screw up?

Hey guys,
I applied to uw-madison and got in a while ago (like October) and while filling out the scholarships @ uw website with a friend I realized I may have screwed up. Ive always wanted to do engineering, but I applied to the college of letters and sciences. I was under the impression that all students at UW come into L&S, but my friend got into the college of engineering directly. I’m not sure if this is a big deal or a deal at all since I know I can transfer into engineering like most students do. But what do you guys say? How does this affect me as far as scholarships, courses, etc? Thanks.

Call asap to get switched to College of Engineering. Hard to say if that will happen in time for the Feb 2 scholarship deadline.

Google uw-madison engineering scholarship application.

@Madison85‌ thanks for replying. Ill call this evening. But, do you know if scholarships carry over between colleges? Let’s say I win a scholarship as part of L&S but then transfer to Engineering, do I forfeit that scholarship then?

Most scholarships are only for 1 year. If you are awarded a L&S scholarship for fall, then switch to Engineering, I doubt you would still receive the L&S money.

Remember- all students are admitted to the university as a whole. Aside from any scholarship hopes the reason to declare a major/school/college now is to get the SOAR advising most pertinent to your current plans. If get any L&S money as a freshman you still will take the same classes and then switch to engineering. Your freshman classes will mostly be in L&S anyhow- math and sciences. Relax and even if you don’t get any money your world/future will not come to an end. Enjoy your final year of HS. Oh- and congrats on being accepted to UW.

Thanks! I’m not too worried, just asking because, well, oollege is expensive and money is not a bad thing to have. Thanks for the advice :slight_smile: