Did most CoE ED applicants get a phone interview? Plus, admissions officer's blog

<p>I didn't get one and am wondering it is just because there was no one in my area? Also, do you guys think decisions have been made already? I'm worried out of my mind right now.<br>
Only a week to go, good luck to everyone. </p>

<p>Check this out...
Cornell</a> Engineering Admissions</p>

<p>lol great link. Made me laugh, thanks for it =)</p>

<p>thanks for the link-put a smile on my face.</p>

<p>Did anyone who applied to CoE not get an interview(yes, I didn’t get one…)?</p>

<p>[Cornell</a> University Undergraduate Admissions Office - RESOURCES](<a href=“http://admissions.cornell.edu/resources/faq_answer.cfm?num=24]Cornell”>http://admissions.cornell.edu/resources/faq_answer.cfm?num=24)</p>

<p>I didn’t get one</p>

<p>“In all other programs, interviews are neither required nor offered. Campus visits are always encouraged, and most students who apply for freshman admission will be contacted by a member of a local Cornell alumni committee in the fall or winter. These informal conversations with alumni are not required and are meant only to allow an additional opportunity for the student to learn more about Cornell—and for Cornell to learn more about the student. (Please note that alumni contacts do not take the place of the required interview for architecture or hotel.)”</p>

<p>That should answer the question. CoE does not require/offer an interview.
[Cornell</a> University Undergraduate Admissions Office - RESOURCES](<a href=“http://admissions.cornell.edu/resources/faq_answer.cfm?num=24]Cornell”>http://admissions.cornell.edu/resources/faq_answer.cfm?num=24)</p>

<p>P.S. I can’t find the other post I did? >.>?</p>

<p>phew, thanks HeroStar. Shouldn’t you get to work on that AP Econ test?</p>

<p>I really should =( But I tried and I just keep getting back on here XD. Oh well, try again I suppose. This is going to be a hard test too…grr</p>

<p>i got that for some odd reason when i only applied to cals and didn’t even specify an alternative college</p>

<p>Was the phone number from New York or was it a 1-800 number? I got a call asking for me, but before I could reply, the call got dropped… I’m freaking out now.</p>

<p>Alumni “interviews” for ED were supposed to be done by Nov. 30. If there was a contact in your area, you probably would have gotten a call, but if you did not, it is not a negative. Post 7 above is correct regarding the informal nature of the interaction.</p>