Did my chances just get shot to #*$! ?

<p>Just got the subject test scores today</p>

<p>I am an international applicant aiming for top tier colleges (HYPM...etc)
I got 2060 in sat 1st sitting in nov. ; will be giving it again in jan (expecting 2300+)
I have competitive honors and EC's no sweat there.
Essays are spectacular and LOR's are great.
Intended major is physics</p>

<p>My dec subject test scores are 750 M2 740 physics and : 550 w history

<p>is there no chance at all of any college accepting such a low score in 1 sat subject test?
it falls in the 43rd percentile-abysmal.</p>

<p>I had given it to fulfill the requirement of one humanities-related test for some colleges. I come from a small school and had taken only 2 years of very elementary history in grades 9 and 10. the curriculum was of a very low level as well</p>

<p>Also, for colleges which require only 2 sat II tests, should I not report the WH score?</p>

<p>plz reply!</p>

<p>is it too early to bump?</p>

<p>need help. any advice plz?</p>

<p>take some more subject tests. Either the us history or a language one if you know one. get an text book for an ap/class and study it</p>

<p>okay. so. for the schools that only require two tests DO NOT submit that. also if you have to submit it be sure to include your story for why you did so poorly. attempt to retake it if you can or switch to another test like Yoskis advised. good luck.</p>

<p>Try the ACT too…</p>