<p>Just got the subject test scores today</p>
<p>I am an international applicant aiming for top tier colleges (HYPM...etc)
I got 2060 in sat 1st sitting in nov. ; will be giving it again in jan (expecting 2300+)
I have competitive honors and EC's no sweat there.
Essays are spectacular and LOR's are great.
Intended major is physics</p>
<p>My dec subject test scores are 750 M2 740 physics and : 550 w history
<p>is there no chance at all of any college accepting such a low score in 1 sat subject test?
it falls in the 43rd percentile-abysmal.</p>
<p>I had given it to fulfill the requirement of one humanities-related test for some colleges. I come from a small school and had taken only 2 years of very elementary history in grades 9 and 10. the curriculum was of a very low level as well</p>
<p>Also, for colleges which require only 2 sat II tests, should I not report the WH score?</p>
<p>plz reply!</p>