Did my school mess up weighted GPA?

<p>I recently saw my weighted GPA after first semester (we have a semester system for when grades actually count) and was surprised to see it didn't go up as much as I thought it would.</p>

<p>I had a 4.25 weighted GPA at the end of last year (I have 4.0 uw). My GPA after first semester junior year was 4.13, then second semester was 4.25. Last year I had 6 classes that received credit. Five of them (IB) earned a weighted GPA of 5.0 for an A. One of them earned just a 4.0. My current weighted GPA is now 4.34, but this year I had 7 IB weighted classes (5.0) and no 4.0 weighted classes. I know that it becomes harder to raise one's weighted GPA as it gets higher and higher, but it seems to me that something is wrong. The extra IB weighted gpa credits should have nearly made up for the decreasing return, but it didn't. I figured I'd graduate with around a 4.45 or + with all A's, but at this rate (one of my ib weighted credits was only for first semster) I will barely break 4.4. Usually, students in full ib with straight a's have above 4.45's.</p>

<p>I know it's not a big deal, but I'm just wondering if my school goofed (I wouldn't be surprised). This pattern appears to be similar for other high weighted Gpa seniors in my school.</p>

<p>Does this make sense?</p>


<p>final bump...</p>

<p>Why don't you just calculate what your weighted GPA should be and see if it agrees with the school's figure? We can't do the calculation because you don't give us information on every course you've taken. I.e, you had a 4.25 average at the end of last year -- this was the average calculated from how many courses in your first three years?</p>

<p>It doesn't surprise me that one semester's grades don't raise an average much when added into six other semesters. If the pattern is the same for everyone, it doesn't seem like a mistake. It is probably done automatically by computer once they input the grades.</p>

<p>It isn't going to hurt you anyway if the calculation method is the same for everyone at your school. The weighted GPA is more relevant to class rank than to colleges. I believe they recalculate GPAs, if necessary, so that everyone is compared on the same basis. Not every school weights and not all who weight do so the same way.</p>

<p>Your post is kind of vague, so this is how I went about it.</p>

<p>I went with you having a GPA of 4.25 (weighted) after your first three years. You said that you had a 4.25 after 2nd semester junior year.</p>

<p>So, from there, I multiplied 4.25 by six for six semesters. Then I added a 5.0 flat for this semester once, which when divided by seven (sum of semester GPAs divided by semesters) gave me about a 4.36.</p>

<p>Now, if you had a 4.25 each semester for Frosh+Soph year, then a 4.13 (Junior-1) and then a 4.25 (Junior-2), with a 5 for Senior-1, then I have a weighted GPA for you of 4.34. I didn't factor in the extra class, but if my quick calculations are correct, a 5 in there also only adds about one-tenth of one point to it, an insignificant amount.</p>

<p>My math could be off, you confused me with the last year/junior year thing, but basically here is what I got.</p>

<p>Grade - Semester : GPA
9-1 : 4.25
9-2 : 4.25
10-1: 4.25
10-2: 4.25
11-1: 4.13
11-2: 4.25
12:1: 5.00
Average: 4.34</p>

<p>Grade - Semester : GPA
9-1 : 4.25
9-2 : 4.25
10-1: 4.25
10-2: 4.25
11-1: 4.25
11-2: 4.25
12:1: 5.00
Average: 4.36</p>

<p>If my numbers are off, then correct me, but from what I see, your school is right.</p>

<p>waruv, thank you so much! However, you have the gpa slightly messed up. Now that I have a great format:</p>

<p>9-1: 4.00
9-2: 4.00
10-1: 4.00
10-2: 4.00
11-1: 4.13
11-2: 4.25
12-1: 4.34</p>

<p>These are the total as it is added for my weighted gpa. If you just take it semester by semester:</p>

<p>9-1: 4.00 (3 credits)
9-2: 4.00 (3.25 credits)
10-1: 4.00 (3.5 credits)
10-2: 4.00 (3.25 credits)
11-1: 4.83 (3 credits)
11-2: 4.71 (3.25 credits)
12-1: 5.00 (3.5 credits)
Total of 4.3647</p>

<p>The credits and gpa are only for classes that gave grades (not pass credit, since I don't think this factors in).</p>

<p>Ehh this is too confusing with so many little credits that bring my gpa down, but I guess the school is close enough.</p>