Did not do well on my AP exams. Should I report the scores?

A little background: high school class of 2023; there are AP restrictions in my school; I took a total of 4 APs.
I know I technically didn’t fail all of my AP, but still a little disappointed in myself. I am just bad at taking standardized tests.

Here are my scores & my grades:
AP Physics 1: 2 (B+)
APUSH: 3 (A-)
AP World History: 3 (A+)
AP CS Principles: 3 (A)

I do have to admit that there’s GPA inflation at my school. I am aiming for a STEM major at top UCs (UCLA & UCB). I also took 2 CC classes (art & engineering) and passed with an A. I am taking a CC statistics class this summer (expecting to pass with an A too).

I don’t know what to do now. I have a high class rank and my extracurriculars are pretty good for top UCs (after comparing admitted applicants and asking people to chance me based on my ECs). Should I submit my 3s?

@Gumbymom do UCs use AP scores in determining admission…since they are test blind for other standardized tests?

And do any UCs give course credit for a score of 3?

UCLA and UCB have stated they consider AP scores in their application review and the UC’s do give credit for AP scores of 3 but this is campus and AP class dependent.

@XXacc123 this is a difficult call since you did pass 3 of the 4 AP exams however based on your course grades, it does confirm that your school does have grade inflation.

In general, the UC’s would consider your AP course grades more important than the AP score exams and you are reviewed in the context of your HS but your grades do not confirm the scores.

Class rank other than being ELC eligibility is not a consideration by the UC’s, but with the exception of the AP exam scores, if your overall application is stellar then the scores would have less of an impact. UCLA and UCB should be considered Reach schools regardless of your qualifications so will the scores may make a difference is difficult to determine. All I can say is you would not be denied from UCLA or UCB just due to your AP scores.

There are 13 areas of application review by the UC’s and none of these are looked at in a vacuum.


You can check each UC for AP credit here and I would still submit the 3’s. Berkeley | UC Admissions

Best of luck.

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No. You should not submit these scores. They show your limitations, rather than your strengths. If any college that you wind up at will give you credit for the 3’s, then after you are accepted you can submit them. Your application will look stronger without these scores, even the 3’s.


Update: Didn’t submit any of my AP scores
Got into UCB (early acceptance) and UCLA yay!
I think my ECs and piqs helped a lot.


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