Did Not List These Courses in My App! Concerned!


I applied to several UCs. Due to medical complications, I had to drop AP US History, AP Chemistry, and Spanish 4 Honors in junior year. Though I wrote about as to why in my UC application and clearly explained why, I did not list these courses in my UC application under Academic History. These courses do show up on my transcript as follows:

Grade 11 Semester 1
AP Chem: C (1 credit only out of 5)
Spanish 4H: NM

I am concerned that if and when the UC admissions center cross check my application with my HS transcript, it may raise questions or they may even rescind my application. I did not deliberately not list them. I know I should have made it clear in my application that these courses show up on my transcript in the optional essay or additional info parts.

Please suggest/guide me as to what I should do now. @Gumbymom @NCalRent

Many thanks.

You need to send an email indicating which courses you accidentally omitted on your application. Below is the email contact. Make sure you get a response and keep any documentation in case there is a problem later on.

If you receive an offer of admission, be sure to confirm with the campus admission office that they are aware of the changes. Although you must notify the campus of these changes, we cannot guarantee that a campus can go back to review an application after correspondence has been received. Make sure to save a copy of your correspondence just in case.

Email: ucinfo@applyUCsupport.net

Postal mail:

UC Application Center
P.O. Box 1432
Bakersfield, CA 93302

Will do. Should I send the email to individual campuses or the email you listed above? Just wanted to clarify. @Gumbymom

Also, as part of the documentation they ask, should I attach my unofficial HS transcript or…?

Unless you have already been accepted to any of the UC’s, I would send it to the email listed above. You could attach a copy of the transcript. Once you have been accepted to any of the UC’s, I would follow up that they have the documentation in their files before accepting and enrolling.

Oh ok, in my case, I did not get accepted into any UCs yet. So I will send it to that email, and tell them the circumstances. If they ask, I’ll attach my unofficial transcript as documentation.

Thank you @Gumbymom !

i would definitively contact them individually.

good luck

Hi @Gumbymom,

I received an offer of admission from UC Santa Barbara, and will probably go there. As you said, I will contact them regarding the correspondence. Does this email look good to send?


I am thrilled to have received an offer of admission to UCSB!

I wanted to follow up with the admissions office regarding a correspondence I sent to the UC application center on 2/28.

If you have not received the changes, please note the following:

I accidentally omitted Spanish 4 Honors, AP US History, and AP Chemistry from the Academic History section of my UC application. The grades for the courses are marked as ‘NM’ (No Mark) and the latter is ‘C’ (for only 1 credit out of 5 possible for the semester) for Semester 1. I had to drop these courses due to medical reasons which I have clearly explained in my application.

Thank you

@Stylus89: Looks good.


@Gumbymom what is the undergraduate admissions email for UC Davis?

@Stylus89: I could call first and then they can refer you to the correct email address to make sure your information will be directed to right source.


@Gumbymom - I accepted an offer of admission to UCSD and followed up with them regarding this a few weeks ago. The email they sent back just said: “we have added this to your record”. It seems cryptic. Should i even be worried i accidentally omitted 2 AP courses and 1 honors course in my app? i had to drop them due to medical reasons that year…

@Stylus89: They cannot give you an answer until they compare your transcript to your reported courses. Since you emailed admissions regarding the missing courses, they will also use them in their transcript evaluation. Withdrawals should not be an issue since you have a Medical reason for withdrawing from these courses.

@Gumbymom also I listed my 10th grade English and social studies courses as “World Lit/Writ” and “World history” on my application. But on my transcript the actual course titles are “World studies” and “world studies SS”. Do you think this course naming errors will have an impact on my admission determination?

@Stylus89: Email admissions and just let them know of the different course names to be sure everything goes smoothly. These errors/issue are a great example of why you should have a copy of your actual transcript in front of you when filling out your applications.