So I’m teetering at around a 2.0 GPA right now, which I know is very poorly for a college student but I have family issues plus issues with myself that I’ve tried to deal with (therapy, medication, etc.). Anyways, I ended up doing poorly on my summer class (D- from not turning in a single assignment) and im freaking out right now. This will probably bring my GPA below a 2.0 and that is below the retention rate of my current class standing (I’m going into my 3rd year). With this class, my GPA currently sits at a 1.93. Will they suspend me for doing poorly in the summer class or will it carry over into the fall semester and be including in that? I’m hoping for the latter so I can potentially bring it up over a 2.0. Any feedback will be appreciated and I apologize for rambling. I’m just currently freaking out at the moment
This is a question only your adviser at your college can answer, as every school will have its own policy. More important, you need to address your family and personal issues before even considering returning to school. If you didn’t manage to turn in any assignments for a single summer class, how can you possibly take on a full semester of classes in the fall? It sounds like a leave of absence would help you figure out how to to put things back together and successfully complete your education. I wish you the best of luck.
Read the SAP requirements for your college. Please don’t sign up for any more classes until your are ready and able to do the work. This is going to bite you in the butt otherwise.