Did the collegeboard use like 10 tests

<p>did they use like 20 different versions of the test?</p>

<p>how do you think the curve for DEC Will be??</p>

<p>I know there were at least 4 different versions at my school, so maybe not 10 … but A LOT most def. This is my first time taking the SAT-- do they do this every year?</p>

<p>no, this is obviously new. Quite surprising really</p>

<p>damn ets, we must counter with our own offensive!!</p>


<p>this was to stop cheating from sites like these.
people in asia would give people in the US the answers.</p>

<p>because before, the only difference was the essay prompt.</p>

<p>it was fun while it lasted. lol :P</p>

<p>damn it i never knew that lol!</p>

<p>but asians wouldn’t be dumb enough to do that
it would affect their curves</p>

<p>anyway i understand having one for int’l and for domestic
(even tho obviously now asians can give answers to canadians and latin americans)</p>

<p>but diff test for domestic…i think it’s not fair :frowning:
wat r they gonna do w/ curve? don get it</p>