<p>Someone please verify if that guy DID already get in from Maryland</p>
<p>One of the other threads refers to a statement on the GU website about receiving letters b4 12/15</p>
<p>i live 20 minutes from georgetown also in maryland and i havent recieved mine</p>
<p>lol yeah its a fact you’ll get it by 12/15 but thanks to their vague descriptions, lord knows if that means tomorrow or monday or what!!!</p>
<p>never mind</p>
<p>can someone please verify when they were actually sent out? their office is already closed…:/</p>
<p>I doubt that they have been sent already. I’m sure they will be sent this Friday or Saturday, and with the lack of mail on Sunday, most domestic addresses will receive notification on Monday.</p>
<p>…But it wouldn’t hurt to know if they really DID sent them early!</p>
<p>When people ask someone to verify that they DID send them, please remember: no one actually knows except officials at the college who are not going to tell you anything other than “December 15.” So, just wait for December 15.</p>
<p>one of my friends work in the admissions office…</p>
<p>he “said” they are being sent Friday…</p>
<p>This is what I’ve heard when I asked him… just a rumor so don’t freak out guys…</p>
<p>assuming that the above is true and they are being sent Friday, I would predict most of you will get them on the 16th and 17th, with a handful getting them on the 15th (and driving the rest of you mad). I say this because last year they were sent on a Thursday from what we could tell, and most of us didn’t get them until Monday (although Sunday, of course, saw no mail delivered), and a sizable minority (myself included) on Tuesday. Looks like you guys will be pushing that up a day. Just my $.02</p>
<p>DCforMe - </p>
<p>That makes no sense. Georgetown’s website said to call them if you do not receive anything by the 16th. Why would they set themselves up to get hundreds of phone calls the 16th?</p>
<p>well, the same thing happened last year. And if you look over the thread from last year, you’ll see that most people on CC wanted to wait to get the physical letter. especially since most people who did call called after school, most people had already received their letter. I don’t know how to break this to you jamesn, but most people aren’t nearly as obsessive about their admissions decisions as people who hang out on CC all day. Most people probably don’t know admission decisions are available over the phone by the 16th, and an even greater number won’t even try to call. This is not to say that I support their decision; it certainly would be better to have everything out in the mail well in advance. But let’s just see when those letters come.</p>
<p>I agree with DCforMe, plus its EA, you’re not getting rejected and there is still RA to go in the spring… its really not that big of a deal… (but it is in many ways, I know it was when I applied, but take a deep breath and tell yourself that its not going to break you if you don’t get in Georgetown EA)… if it’s meant to be then it will happen… if not… (I won’t go there)</p>
<p>What did people do before the web? I wonder if my parents even knew the decision date when they applied to their schools, let alone the weight of the envelope and the exact expected color of the postmark on it. I think back in the 1970’s, it was pretty much a given that thick = success & thin = fail, but I’m not sure they stressed about it. Of course it was a different world with a much less competitive environment.</p>
<p>Having said that, I remember I was also a basket case back a few year ago until I got the <em>ONE</em> acceptance. Believe me guys… once you get in ANYWHERE (GU would be nice, but…) then you will feel 1000% better. It really pops that stress balloon big time. Everything else is just frosting. You will strut the halls of school the next day.</p>
<p>** Disclaimer: this only applies if you would absolutely love any and all of the schools that you applied to. If you put “safety/backup/secondary interest” schools on your list, then the above may only apply to the list of your top-choice schools. But even an acceptance letter to “State College Community University” down the street beats the alternative: WORKING FULL TIME NEXT FALL. :-)</p>
<p>Hang in there guys.</p>
<p>mario confirmed they were mailed today in a reply message he sent to me … it read,"Re: urgent </p>
<p>Hi , decisions are now out. Given your location I would guess you will get it within 2 business days, but I can’t guarantee it unfortunately. good luck!"</p>
<p>My location is North East PA … so alot of people should be recieving decisions this weekend</p>
<p>Good Luck</p>
<p>Who’s Mario?</p>
<p>mario vaz … the adcom from the chances thread</p>
<p>mario isn’t an adcom exactly, he just works in the admissions office, filing papers and what not as I understand it. He’s still a student</p>
<p>what time did they send them??</p>