Did they receive 7th semester transcripts?

I was deferred. I sent my 7th semester transcripts as soon as I could, around December 20th. A couple days later, I got an email saying Purdue received the transcript. I believed it, because I didn’t think there would be any reason not to. Today I checked the Purdue portal thing, wondering when deferred decisions would be released. There’s still a blank where the transcript’s receiving date should go. Does this mean they haven’t gotten it? I sent it again through parchment today. If it doesn’t get there by tomorrow (which it probably won’t) does that mean I can’t get into Purdue?

So now I’m a little concerned… I sent my transcripts again just in case, and the status page says it was received this most recent time I sent it, even though I sent it back in December. It had a note that said “BDM (AUTOBDMS)”. What does this mean? Does this mean I can’t get in even though they messed up? I also sent an email to admissions on Wednesday and haven’t received any reply. Any idea what’s happening?

I emailed admissions on Wednesday and still haven’t received an answer. Should I call? If I do, what should I say? Or should I just try to be patient? Please help; I don’t know what to do

Same thing happened to me! Did you record an answer yet? I don’t know what to do

I sent an email to admissions… then my mom also sent an email directly to someone in admissions, I got the decision about a week later… sorry I didn’t see this until now