Did you ever retake a class that you already passed?

<p>I'm planning on retaking Statistics this summer because although I'm not good at math, I still feel that I didn't work to my potential therefore it was a GPA killer. I've read the college catalog and it said that it was OK to do so. I might even retake other classes this summer as well. When the class is taken again, the transcript is as if you've never taken the class before.</p>

<p>Did you retake a class you already passed? Did you end up doing any better than before?</p>

<p>I haven’t personally, but everyone I know who has ended up with a higher grade the second time.</p>

<p>Oh yes, I have ended up taking Calculus many, many times. Back when I was in high school, I took it at a community college before my senior year started but I didn’t so so well. So I took it during the regular school year, and while I passed the class I didn’t do well enough on the AP exam (naturally, since I was a senior and didn’t really care about anything other than graduation) to get credit for the corresponding math course when I went to college - only got elective credit. So when I attended UCI they told me I would have to take Calculus all over again; both my grade on the AP exam as well as the grade I received at my community college only entitled me to elective credit. Of course, I aced the class without doing much studying, and the fact that I had such a strong foundation in intro Calculus really helped me when I went on to take more advanced math courses.</p>

<p>Technically I had the credit for gen Chem II from AP credit, but I took it over anyway last semester because I wanted a refresher to prepare me for O-Chem. Might not have been the smartest thing to do, since I got a B+, which along with my B- from Calculus hurt my GPA a fair bit.</p>