Did you hear back

<p>Hey guys,
Did any paper applicant get a notification from the school that they received your stuff?
If yes, when did you send it in/get notification?</p>

<p>Have a nice weekend!</p>

<p>No, I’m going to be calling soon! I sent my stuff in last month and i have heard nothing!</p>

<p>exact same problem here :(</p>

<p>From the prospective student account on the website:</p>

<p>“Later on, you will be able to check whether we’ve received your application credentials and eventually check your admissions decision.”</p>

<p>define “later on”…</p>

<p>‘define “later on”…’</p>

<p>whenever it appears i would suppose…</p>

<p>yeah, you’re not supposed to get mail from them or anything. just use the portal on the uchicago admissions website.</p>

<p>they do send out an email saying they’ve received your stuff. for me, it was about 2-3 weeks after i submitted my application (EA). they told me it was complete.
they don’t tell you what exactly has been received, but they will notify you if you’re missing anything.</p>

<p>yep. but i only sent in my paper app, so i don’t have a portal log-in or anything…</p>