<p>This is my second year as the Secretary but my first year competing. I'm not sure if I should consider marketing, since that's what I'm interested in (but the class I took last year was Business Management, so I definitely need extra studying for that topic) or if I should enter in Business Communications (which is along the lines of what I do now as Secretary). I've taken a look at both tests, and the Communications one comes really easily to me and will probably be easier to place in, since Marketing is SO competitive. Which do you think I should enter in? What is your experience with FBLA competitions?</p>
<p>Thanks so much!</p>
Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>FBLA is my pride and joy in my applications 
I’m Public Relations Officer for my senior year!</p>
<p>I was only a member starting junior year though =S But I won 3 awards in my regionals, 2 at State, and pulled in 3rd place in Banking and Financial systems at Nationals ^^</p>
<p>Here’s my experience:
Regionals - not very competitive, but do well to ensure a state qualification
State- competitive, requires some work to get a trophy but true dedication to get to Nationals
Nationals- very competitive, against titans from CA and PA and NY you’ll be hard pressed to set yourself apart. Study hard, present hard, and even then you’re not guaranteed an award. but VERY FUN!!! Anaheim was the bombsauce</p>
<p>Thanks for the tips! I’m a sophomore this year and I’m going to try Business Communications this year. Congrats at placing at Nationals, wow!
What advice would you give about studying? I’ve been studying off of past exams but there are only a few available for my competition online.</p>
<p>Do as many past multiple choice exams as you can find, since some questions get recycled year after year.</p>
<p>But if you can, find a textbook! FBLA exams are usually based off basic textbook material, nothing special.</p>
<p>And don’t be afraid to try your hand at multiple events.</p>
<p>Okay, I’ll see if our school textbooks help with my event.
<p>Our district has limits: one individual and one team per person. I’m entering Intro to Business Communications as my individual and Management Decision Making as a team. Pretty excited! I’m hoping to make state, but I have two more years anyways, which I’m definitely looking forward to. :)</p>
<p>I was always under the impression that FBLA was pointless. oh, well guess I am wrong.</p>
<p>i participate in eating breakfast</p>
<p>At my school we call it Future Black Leaders of America, which is awful but largely true. Most people interested in business do DECA</p>
<p>We don’t have a DECA at our school, and our FBLA, from what I hear, was revived last year. I love it though!
Are you in DECA or FBLA then?</p>