<p>Did you tailor your commonapp for each school you applied to, or did you mostly used the same commonapp for each? Me, I used the same one for most.. was pretty straightforward. </p>
<p>Just posing this question here b/c its the coolest forum on the block</p>
<p>I used three versions of the Common App, but the only difference between versions 2 and 3 was that I chose to self report 2 ACTs that were already sent to certain schools on #2 and only self report 1 ACT that had been sent to only that school on version 3. For the most part the original, version 1, and version 2 are the same. I just had some typos in the original that needed to be changed for other unsubmitted apps.</p>
<p>I have three versions, too.
I switched the personal and supplement essay for the first and the third one. I have a slightly different resume for the second version.</p>
<p>^ Nah, it does freeze it, but if you check the Help/FAQ, they tell you how to make a new version. Basically, it transfers all the info from the first one, except for the essay.</p>
<p>I did 3 as well:
1 for an early app.
1 for all of them except…
1 for Yale and Stanford.</p>