<p>I'm a rising senior. I took the June SAT yesterday and I walked in confident that I aced that thing. Like, 2250+ aced. The math section made me happiest, because it was my weak point and I answered ALL the questions confidently. I wake up this morning super happy and I realize that I forgot to bubble in the grid-ins.
I'm 90% sure that I forgot to bubble. I wrote the answers on the top of the box, but I didn't ACTUALLY bubble. I'm not the crying type but I couldn't help myself this morning, because then if I have to take the SAT again in October I can't retake my Subjects (which I failed epically at) for Early Action to the Ivies. I'm so crushed right now.</p>
<p>I do have one thing going for me: my proctor was super casual and didn't read the instructions at all. And since today is Sunday my school probably didn't mail the answer sheets yet.</p>
<p>I feel there's a glimmer of hope here... does anyone have any advice?</p>
<p>lol man that sucks
You have a slight chance. You’ll have to call collegeboard and just plead your case to them. Try calling them today or tomorrow if they’re open and see what they can do for you. Otherwise, your chances are very slim b/c that’s literally 10 omit… If they say that they can’t do anything, I would cancel your scores, because those 10 omits start you off at aaround a 660, which will ruin your chances at a 2250. Hopefully this helped :)</p>
<p>According to the directions, only the bubbled in is graded.</p>
<p>Simple, just call them up and ask for a Hand Score Verification Process. Its $55.00, and they look at your test booklet to see what you circled, or what you answered. Because some people forget to bubble in, or skip a section, so they hand score it.</p>
<p>…I thought hand scoring was only for stray mark bubbling and not NOT bubbling at all?</p>
<p>@shaun42 “IMPORTANT: If your marks did not follow the published guidelines, your scores will not change, and your score verification fee will not be refunded. Examples of not following the guidelines include (but are not limited to): using slashes, not completely or darkly filling in the answer circles, or filling in multiple circles in the same answer row/column. For student-produced responses, only answers that are gridded will be scored; you will not receive credit for anything written in the boxes.”</p>
<p>Wow. That just sucks, I’m really sorry to hear… Even though it’s a slim chance, you may be able to call your school tomorrow in the hopes that SOMEBODY will be there. But from there you would still need to convince them to allow you to change your answers. The Hand Score Verification will NOT help you in this case; it only works if you erased an answer incompletely, marked the correct answer, and the machine marked the answer as incorrect (or similar situations). I would keep your June SAT scores and advise you to take the SAT II’s in October. Even if you manage to score exceptionally well on your SAT I 2200+, it will not be able to completely overshadow abysmal SAT II scores (you didn’t even state your scores so I actually don’t even know if they’re bad). Good luck with everything, mate.</p>