<p>Hey guys ^_^</p>
<p>So, I applied to UCs this year more for funsies than anything else; I don't have my IGETC or major reqs completed, and I didn't even think I'd have much of a chance (yes I spent my savings on expensive UC apps the way people buy lottery tickets!) However, now that I've spoken to a bunch of transfer students and heard their experiences, I've encountered many who, like me, actually hadn't completed IGETC or major reqs either. I even know one who didn't have IGETC, major reqs, or many ECs and transferred to Cal with a 3.3 GPA! So, anyway, I'm regretting only applying to Cal and UCLA now, because I think I actually would have had a chance at UCR, which I love!</p>
<p>Anyway, more of a statement/warning to those who may be in a similar situation in the future than a question :3 On the other hand, 6 WEEKS LEFT, CAL TRANSFERS!</p>
<p>What’s your GPA? Major?</p>
<p>my GPA is 3.9 and my major is Astrophysics. we’ll see! I had a load of extracurriculars and internships etc etc; I think what will hurt me the most is not completing IGETC or major reqs. I’m not too bothered about trying again for next year, frankly. I like how cheap CCCs are
I’ll get to university soon enough!</p>
<p>Justine, how many major reqs have you completed? Or, how many do you have left? Have you done the math and physics stuff?</p>
<p>I remember a UCLA rep said if you’re missing more than 2 pre-reqs, they will automatically reject you–unless of course your school doesn’t offer it. Not really sure how true that is though</p>
<p>I have a whopping total of 8 left! only four of those are offered at my ccc, however. I’m fairly certain that’s what will do it for me, but there’s no knowing until the 27th! a friend of mine got into UCR with only one prereq done as a result of changing her major an absurd number of times. I think her explanation must have won them over.</p>
<p>Someone got into Cal with a 3.3? what was his major?</p>
<p>If you haven’t completed IGETC, its a automatic reject from every UC.</p>
<p>Her major was Art History. And actually, you’ve been misinformed. There are plenty of people who have transferred to UC without IGETC, they are just much fewer in numbers than those who have completed IGETC. But don’t just take my word for it: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/1138412-2011-cal-transfer-applicants-decisions-only-thread.html?highlight=berkeley+decisions[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/1138412-2011-cal-transfer-applicants-decisions-only-thread.html?highlight=berkeley+decisions</a> (note the low but surprising number of “accepted” applicants with incomplete IGETC)
Additionally, I’ve encountered a number of people IRL in the same boat. Either way, this isn’t to say that people usually stand a chance without the IGETC. As stated previously, I applied on a whim, I don’t expect to be accepted on account of my lack of prereq/IGETC completion! Only time will tell :)</p>
<p>I should’ve been more specific I guess, if you choose to follow IGETC to gain admission to UCs and is missing one or two classes they you’ll probably be rejected. </p>
<p>Notice that people that got accepted but didn’t complete IGETC have majors that belongs to college of engineering. Astrophysics belongs to college of letters and sciences. No one on that thread got accepted while having a letters and sciences major and no igetc.</p>
<p>boy, you’re very committed to telling me I’m not going to get in despite my saying that I’m not going to get in! how very cavalier. hehe. </p>
<p>and, anyway, it’s less to do with the college (ie engineering, letters & science, etcetc) and more to do with the major. not that major departments review apps in l&s (it’s actually just a broad-spectrum l&s adviser), but it has been explicitly stated time and time again that high-unit majors, such as the sciences and engineering, are not as stringent about IGETC and prereq requirements (to a certain limit!). also, as I stated above, a friend of mine was accepted into art history (an l&s major) without IGETC completed. all I can say is this: yes, stephen91, I already stated that I do not think my chances are even remotely high, much less mediocre, but I’ve gathered some new and surprising information that has led me to feel that I should have also applied to UCR. </p>
<p>also (from the link I sent you, in regards to your “engineers-only” comment):</p>
<p>“Major: Cognitive Science
GPA: 3.69
Major Prerequisites: All but 2 (not available at my CC)
Major GPA: 4.0
Decision: Admitted for Fall 2011”</p>
<p>“Major: Rhetoric (Emphasis: Public Discourse)
GPA: 3.5
Major Prerequisites: Complete
Major GPA: 3.7
Decision: Admitted (Biggest surprise of my life, still can’t believe it!)”</p>
<p>it exists! :)</p>
<p>Actually, Stephen91 is correct. Just because it says “IGETC: no” does not mean that they applied with their requirements unfinished. There are other pathways to completing breadth requirements, even for non-engineering majors (Essential Skills, L & S requirements). But if you choose IGETC, you must complete it before the spring before attending Cal, or else you will not be accepted.</p>
<p>This is taken directly from the MyBerkeleyApp transfer student faq page:</p>
<p>“Q: Is it true that I’m not eligible to transfer to Berkeley because I have not completed the necessary breadth/IGETC courses, even though I have taken difficult courses?
A: Yes. Admission decisions are based on your current grades and courses and all requirements must be met by the end of the spring term. If you feel you have an unusually compelling case to make, write it in the “Comments” box of the appropriate form on your Required Forms list at myBerkeleyApplication.”</p>
<p>I’m posting this mainly for the people who haven’t applied yet who may stumble upon this thread and think they can still get in to Cal with unfinished breadth requirements.</p>
<p>Right you are! Right both of you are for the IGETC path. However, not everyone chooses that path, as is evidenced by the links above and the people I’ve encountered. No one is wrong here
And even aside from that, regardless of the chosen transfer path, it is strongly, if not strictly, advised that you complete IGETC courses before applying, particularly in the case of non-math/engineering/science majors (<a href=“faculty.deanza.*.edu”>faculty.deanza.*.edu).</p>
<p>actually, check this out from the University of California site:</p>
<p>“IGETC is not an admissions requirement. Completing it is not required, nor does it guarantee admission to the campus or program of choice. However, completing the lower-division breadth/general education requirements - through IGETC or the campus-specific requirements (depending upon the program) — may improve your chances for admission to a competitive campus and/or program.”
Source: [University</a> of California - Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/transfer/requirements/additional-requirements/igetc/index.html]University”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/transfer/requirements/additional-requirements/igetc/index.html)</p>
<p>Yes I know IGETC is not an admissions requirement. I addressed that when I said there are other pathways besides IGETC to complete breadth requirements. I’m not saying everyone has to complete IGETC, but if you indicate that IGETC is how you plan on completing your breadth requirements, then you have to complete IGETC. If you indicate that L & S is how you are completing your requirements, then you have to complete L & S. Whatever breadth requirement pathway you take, you must complete in order to be granted admission. That was my point.</p>
<p>Understood. Excellent point, well-made :)</p>
<p>@Stephen: THAT IS false. IGETC is not mandatory. It’s a good idea to finish it before attending a UC but it isn’t required for EVERY UC. However, for UCLA or Berkeley, if you don’t have IGETC done, yeah, there’s a problem. As for other UC’s, its not a big deal.</p>