Didnt get a UM Scholarship. HELP!

<p>I didnt receive any scholarship. Nothing new under communications. Is there anyone I can email about this? I called up and some said they are still sending out, some said it means i didnt get one, idk. But I have a 1360/2000 SAT and a pretty good GPA.
I just looked at my common app, and the Extra Curriculars i put are really bad. I dont know what I was thinking but I can add so much more. Like its really bad. Maybe I can email about that? I dont even know if EC's are involved in the merit-scholarship consideration. All i know is that I DEFINITELY wasnt expecting 0. Tips please I would appreciate it</p>

<p>My daughter has no new communication either. She applied to UM in October and the last communication from them was in November. Her stats were also such that a scholarship would be expected… higher in fact than many of those receiving such. When posts started showing up yesterday about applicants hearing about scholarships via CaneLink, she emailed UM. No reply yet. So… you are not alone in this…</p>

<p>Did she get accepted?</p>

<p>Not yet. No news from them since November. When we inquired a few weeks ago, all they would say is wait until April 15th for the Decision. If so… they would be the last college out of 17 my daughter applied to announcing… and by 14 days.</p>