Didnt get any regent or chancellor scholarships

A lot of my friends got the UCSB chancellor reception invite and I didn’t. My dream school is UCLA and now I feel like I have no chance.

I have extracurricular like 4 year varsity sports, perfect Japanese ap score, 35 on the ACT, GPA 3.91/4.67, leadership and I run a blog.

I thought I could get into UCSB (like a target school) but I guess not? I’m so worried my chances for UCLA are close to 0. Is it bad news if I didn’t get a chancellors reception invite?

I wouldn’t worry about it too much, only a few hundred students per school get invites, which is a very small percentage. If you look at the stats of the ones who got an invite at say Berkeley, almost all are 4.00 unweighteds or have done some tremendous accomplishments.

@ProfessorPlum168 my friend with lower stats got in so I’m curious how that happened. She didn’t have much extracurricular either

UCSB Chancellor’s reception invitees are competitive students but UCSB also is more holistic in their application review. 50% is academics and 50% is EC’s/Essays. They also look at an emphasis on community service. Lower stats with some dedicated community service EC’s or exception essays may have gotten your friend the invite. Quality over Quantity when it comes to EC’s.

Also each UC campus will evaluate their applications based on their own criteria, so very possible to get Regents/Chancellor scholarships at one campus and not at another.

Wait until all decisions are made before jumping to conclusions.

Essays and extracurriculars are a very big component to the Regents and Chancellor nominations, which are very subjective. Yep, very holistic WRT evaluations. If you look thru the UC Berkeley thread for example, just about everyone is a 4.0, but there is someone with a 3.9, 1490 SAT with a nomination as well who put a lot of effort into her essays.