Didn't report a science A-G required course. Is my app ineligible?

I made the minor mistake of not including a science class in my UC application. It did not register with me that I was even missing the requirement. I submitted and sent in the application, I do have the course credit already for the required class. However, I see some schools do not allow post-submission changes. Will this mean my application will be disregarded/ineligible entirely? I would hate for one tiny mistake to cost my application.

also if I update my application to take an extra planned science AP exam, will this mean I will override the applications insufficient A-G course credit for the UCs when they review my application? I would be willing to self-study another AP.

All applications will be reviewed regardless if you made an error. Are you saying you did not meet the minimum science course requirement with the omission?

yes, currently my app doesn’t fulfill A-G requirements if my application isn’t mended to include the class.

So you are planning to update the UC application with a planned AP exam to fulfill the omission since not all campuses will allow an update with the course admission?

I would email UC admissions and ask the best course of action.




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I would also setup your application portals for each campus and monitor them in case the campuses reach out regarding the omission.

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I am not sure if it would make a difference, SB and Berkeley both do not review post-submission changes but I am not sure if that applies to changes within the planned AP tests within the UC portal. I will call and ask tomorrow, thank you for the help!

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One more question? On the UC application review, it will point out missing coursework prior to submission. Did you not see that you had omitted the course?

In the academic review tab, students will be able to see what academic courses are missing in the application. They will also see a warning which prompts the applicant to confirm they are indeed missing those A-G subjects. See the example below.

I did see this page. My mistake was not reviewing it properly. I did not have a bio/physics class and instead had 1 year of Earth Science which would fill my necessary elective. I neglected to include this since I had taken it in an advanced program in 8th grade.

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