Difference between Collaborative Spec Ed and ECSE?

<p>My friend emailed Bama asking for help with her major because she didn’t see ECSE listed. The person emailed her back saying they fixed it, but when she checked, it said her major was Collaborative Spec Ed. According to the website, those two majors are different, but when she emailed again, the person just told her that her problem has been resolved. So is there a difference between the two majors, or is she okay with the Collaborative Spec Ed major? I’m worried for her because she’s going to Bama Bound soon, and I don’t want her to register for the wrong classes because her Degree Works is wrong. Thanks!</p>

<p>I’m don’t know what ECSE is so I can’t answer your question, but here is a link to the various majors in the College of Education: [Undergraduate</a> Majors: College of Education - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>You can click on the majors listed and it describes them and lists the required courses.</p>

<p>Is ECSE Early Childhood Special Education? If so, then I don’t think they are the same.</p>

<p>That is what I mean. Sorry about that. My friend told me the same thing from looking at the website, but the person insisted that Collaborative Spec Ed was the correct major for her. What should she do?</p>

<p>Which major does she want within Education?</p>

<p>Undergraduate Majors
Collaborative Special Education (SPCO)
Early Childhood Special Education (SEEE)
Elementary Education (ELED)
Exercise and Sport Science (HPES)
Secondary Education French (SEFR)
Secondary Education General Science - Biology, Chemistry, Physics (SESI)
Secondary Education German (SEGN)
Secondary Education Latin (SELT)
Secondary Education Mathematics (SEMA)
Secondary Education Social Science (SESS)
Secondary Education Spanish (SESP)
Multiple Abilities Program (MAP)
Music Education (MUEI) (MUVC)
Physical Education (PHED)</p>

<p>This lady has always been very helpful to me…</p>

<p>Ballard, Dr. Rebecca M.
* 205.348.7936
* Coordinator of College and Alumni Relations
* 210 Carmichael, 870231, <a href=“mailto:rebecca.ballard@ua.edu”>rebecca.ballard@ua.edu</a></p>

<p><a href=“http://education.ua.edu/[/url]”>http://education.ua.edu/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The ECSE is going to limit her to working with children Pre-k through third grade. The CSE will cover grades K-12. I strongly recommend she not limit herself and go the CSE route.</p>

<p>Hi, everyone! I’m the friend GottaHaveFaith is trying to help. You can call me Alice. </p>

<p>Now I’m really confused. I thought, in a public school setting, ECSE would qualify me to teach the appropriate age group in a spec ed classroom, but CSE would qualify me to assist in a general education classroom as a part of inclusion. Am I wrong? Can I teach in a spec ed classroom with both degrees? If so, I’ll definitely take Crimson217’s advice. I don’t want to limit myself.</p>



<p>[Undergraduate</a> Majors: Collaborative Special Education Program - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>I think you will want to go with the CSE program, so the adviser gave you good advice. As an EC teacher, I could not teach higher than the third grade, which was my preference. But if that is not your preference, I would not limit myself with the ECSE major.</p>

<p>That is my current preference. I’m just worried because I’ve had teachers tell me that after teaching for a while or after having children, they no longer wanted to deal with the younger children, but they were stuck because their degree didn’t allow them to teach any other grade level.</p>

<p>I would be most concerned about which would give you more opportunities to get hired. Most elementary schools are K-6 so they would probably look to hire special ed. teachers that can teach any or all of those grades. And even if you have a K-6 certification, it doesn’t mean you will have to teach about 3rd grade, just that you could if needed.</p>

<p>Thank you! I think I will stick with CSE. You all have been very helpful.</p>

<p>I think you are making the correct decision. What type of special education class are you hoping to teach? PreK- D? Learning Disabled? Austim Spectrum? Emotional/Behavioral? Regular Standards or Special Standards? Mild, moderate or profound?</p>