Difference between IB and college?

<p>Is there a big difference (in difficulty or work load) between the stuff you do in IB and college?
Im only asking this because many people seem to struggle a lot with the academic change from high school to college so I just want to get a better idea of the difference.</p>

<p>IB is a lot more work than your typical first year of college. This makes it feel like college is sort of review. The problem for most IB kids is the second year because that is when you’re in your major courses where there is more work and it is more difficult. A lot of IB kids suffer a drop off at this point and really struggle with this change.</p>

<p>Another note is that IB work is very different from college. You will rarely write extended essays outside of humanities classes. You also don’t have to jump through a ton of hoops in college like you did in IB like with IAs and CAS and spending a specific amount of time in instruction.</p>