Hey y’all! I’m just wondering what your opinions are between computer science and information technology? I heard CS people do all the programming and coding; IT people basically fix the computers when it has a problem. Is this true/accurate at all?
And ik CS is harder to major in 9 times out of 10 lol
CS focuses on design and development of computers and software. IT focuses on managing computers and software, as well as business stuff.
IT is not primarily about fixing computers at most companies. IT people are the ones who build and maintain networks, create and enforce security policies, guard against security breaches and network overloads, etc.
CS graduates in the workplace often work help out with IT related tasks, and IT people often write code.
Iowa State, a very good engineering school, just added a cyber security engineering degree. Right now it is an undergraduate degree, but I suspect that you could tailor a masters or PhD in cyber security.