Difference between Ti-84 Plus & Ti-83 Plus

<p>Is there a major difference between the Texas Instruments's Ti-84 Plus Silver Edition and Ti-83 Plus? If so, what is it?</p>

<p>84 has a faster processor and more memory. So it can graph quicker and store more games!</p>

<p>Thanks. I didn't know you could play games on your graphing calculator? </p>

<p>I have the Ti-84 Plus Silver Edition. How do I get it to turn on? Am I supposed to put batteries in it? What are those USB cables for?</p>

<p>i hope to god you are kidding...</p>

<p>but just in case, you can press any button (except the bottom left one) to turn it on, whether you put batteries in it or not is up to you, and the USB cables are just for looks.</p>

<p>Uh, no I'm not kidding, it's the first time I'm using a graphing calculator. It's on now, yay.</p>

<p>Whats the difference between TI-89 and TI-89T?</p>

<p>^ I'm guessing that it's the same difference between a TI-83+ and a TI-83+S?</p>

<p>TI-89T has much more memory, looks nicer, has more apps, etc. I love mine. <3 <3</p>

<p>No, it isn't an unhealthy obession...really.</p>

<p>89 is much more useful..it can do derivatives, integrals etc that you cant do on others</p>

<p>but make sure your math teacher allows 89s cuz mine didnt because it did too much stuff for you</p>

<p>Pretty much it goes like this for the two calculator families:</p>

<p>84+SE > 84+ > 83+SE > 83+ > 83 > 82</p>


<p>89T = Voyage 200 > 89 > 92+ > 92
(Voyage 200, 92, and 92+ have a bulkier design, whereas 89 and 89+ look like the 83 family)</p>

<p>The USB cable is there to transfer programs and games between the calculator and the computer. For more info, look around here: <a href="http://www.ticalc.org/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.ticalc.org/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I had a TI-83 plus then switched to a TI-84 plus silver edition. Mikenthemaddog66 is right. It took less time for my TI-84 to graph long and difficult equations than my TI-83. </p>

<p>I was thinking of getting a TI-89 for college. My friend has one and it saved all of us during our Calculus class. It's also very useful, but (imo) it takes awhile to get used to.</p>

<p>(500th post!)</p>

<p>Is there a book out there that teaches you how to use the TI-89T for AP Calculus AB/BC class/exam?</p>

<p>I would just test it out and experiment for yourself, seriously</p>

<p>A TI-84+SE is preferred if your school uses a TI-Navigator System.</p>

<p>The TI-89T is difficult to use. I don't know where all the stuff are.</p>