Different majors, UCLA or UCSD?

<p>I’m a transfer student and so far I’ve gotten into LA,SD,D,and I… I’m trying to decide from either LA or SD. The main difference is that at SD, my major is Communication (which i prefer) and Asian American studies at LA (i dont mind, but not first pick; i picked it cuz i was scared and just wanted to get in). What do you guys suggest? I’m leaning towards SD cuz of major and the fact that LA is too close to home for me and I sort of want to get away.
At the same time, LA is significantly more prestigious…</p>

<p>oh and i’d normally post this in the UC Transfers section but its crazy right now w/ LA decisions coming out lol</p>

<p>shameless bump :D</p>

<p>UCLA isnt “significantly” more prestigious. It may depend where you want to work as well since UCLA is more known out of state. If you want to work in-state, id go UCSD.</p>

<p>hmm yea but i mean, its freaking UCLA! lol i know sd and la are on par in terms of academics, and i thought i made up my mind and decided on SD, but now that i’m actually admitted to LA, idk i’m getting second thoughts lol</p>

<p>SD’s communication is ranked 2 :), but UCLA’s communication major is rank 1 -.-. Maybe you could go to UCLA and change major :)</p>