Difficult decisions

<p>After years of working hard toward our goals and months of dealing with the admission process at UW, we have had to make a hard decision. My son, who was at first wait-listed and then later accepted to UW. Has always had UW as his top choice. I think the only way we got him to look at other schools was to say that they were just in case he didn't get accepted to UW. </p>

<p>Now that he has been accepted to every school he has applied, we have to make some difficult choices. Many of the schools he has applied to have made significant offers of Merit Scholarship money but as many know here, that's not something UW does for kids that are not minorities. With having two HS seniors (twins) entering college this year, UW is bordering on impossible to afford. As a result my son is having to decline attendance at UW this year.</p>

<p>He has mentioned the possibility of taking a couple years at another school and possibly transfering into UW down the road. A couple years less of that kind of debt might be a little easier to swallow. There's a part of me that hopes he can do this and another part hopes he loves his choice school enough to let UW become a distant memory. Either way, I'm pretty confident he will find success wherever he ends up attending.</p>