Difficult to change from Civil Engineering to Bioengineering????

<p>I've applied to Berkeley as a civil engineering major (mostly because of my desire to do environmental engineering) but really want to switch to bioengineering.
from what I understand bioengineering is difficult to switch into in most of the top engineering schools across the country
Changing my intended major right now by handwritten request is really NOt an option because my essay was about my desire to be a civil/environmental engineer.
So is my best shot right now getting admitted as a civil engineer than hoping to switch to bioengineering??? How difficult is this to do??
From what I understand it is easier to switch out of bioengineering than to switch into it (?)</p>

<p>Your thoughts please!</p>

<p>Oh and because Berkeley only allows 1 intended major i had a hard time choosing between the two engineering majors… but now im really leaning towards the one i did not intend :(</p>

<p>you have no choice but to attempt to transfer into bio if you get in.
I think civil is easier to get into than bioengineering, so it might not be such a bad thing.</p>

<p>Why would you want to switch to by far the worst engineering major of COE? Incompetent faculty, disorganized classes, worst job prospect etc…</p>

<p>Just chill, see how much BioE is crap at Berkeley then make up your mind. Your mileage may vary.</p>