Difficulty changing majors after freshman year?

<p>I applied to Texas A&M, and am an auto admit. I'm going to go in with the major of Business Administration - Finance. I was wondering how hard it would be to start off my first year doing my required classes, then put in a request for a change of major into Computer Engineering. I have the grades for the school, but barely missed the SAT requirements for the Computer Engineering major. Would there still be too little spaces for me to be accepted into computer engineering? I know I can prove myself with the grades once I'm at A&M and taking the general classes. Thanks.</p>

<p>Once you are taking general classes at A&M, you should definitely start talking with an engineering advisor in order to make sure that you are taking the correct classes. They are going to want to see that you have been taking classes geared towards changing majors (i.e. specific engineering maths, sciences, etc.). Just make sure you are talking to both business and engineering advisors! They’ll definitely help you out and keep you on the right track :)</p>