Difficulty of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M


On this report it states that there are only around 150 Chem-e undergraduates admitted. Is this correct?
Any thoughts on the difficulty of Chem-E in comparison to other Engineering majors?

any tips or tricks for chem e majors?

All engineering is tough. You will have to work hard and sacrifice lots of things. You can still have fun but academics come first. From the entry to major process last year Chemical Engineering was pretty competitive to get into. They changed the policy this year and if you get a 3.5 after 2 semesters you get automatic admission into your choice of major. Getting a 3.5 is pretty tough but attainable if you work really hard. Take all the advanced Math and Science classes you can. From the workload and what I have seen Chemical and Electrical are seen as 2 of toughest majors here. Aerospace is up there too.

@gio123 Thank you for the advice :)! Why would you suggest taking all the advanced Math and Science classes by the way? I’m fairly studious and always priorities studies so no problem there.

I suggest taking advanced math and science classes because it will make it easier on you when you are taking classes. Chem 107, Physics, Calculus are difficult subject. I spent many hours and days just trying to learn the subject. It did not click for me. I had to use many resources just to understand what is going on. I wish I had taken AP Chem, AP Physics, and AP Calculus. The classes go really fast and hard to keep up. Coming in with previous knowledge will be to your benefit. It will also help you get into your major because you will probably make better grades since you are at least familiar with the subject.

@gio123 oh you mean advance High School classes. Yeah I have taken Chem, Physics and Calc all AP with a variety of other classes.