Difficulty posting…especially messages

I’m having trouble too. And my notifications issues are back again.

And this is what I get…when I try to edit a post.

My situation is a bit different. I encountered the 502 error when trying to create a post a week ago. Since then, I only see an “open draft” button (I’m assuming my unsuccessful post is floating around somewhere), but clicking on the button does nothing. So, I can only reply to existing threads, can’t start a new one. :frowning: This is not an intermittent issue for me.

Ah. Yes something got out of sync. Let me see if there’s something I can do on our side to fix it.


And again…when I read a post, it still appears as unread.

And in the middle of scrolling through the cover page of forums…I got this…I wasn’t even trying to post!

Ditto for me too. I also am having trouble private messaging.

Fixed! Thank you :blush:


I’m getting the 502 error again. If this posts it will be a miracle.


The blue circle showing the number of new posts isn’t updating once I’ve read those threads. For example I’ve read all the new posts on all but one of the threads shown yet all are showing those posts as new and unread. The bottom summary says 3 are unread but it should say 1.


Same here. Read posts are not showing as read.

Oh that’s irritating too. I don’t think we have an immediate fix for this, unfortunately. Thanks for the report and I’ll pass it on to the developers.

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This not marking as read only happens to me when I am also getting the 502…and can’t post

I agree. I don’t want to jinx myself but I did not receive the 502 error today and my little blue numbers updated after I read a thread.

This makes sense. A 502 error means there is something wrong with the servers on the backend. In particular, it means that two servers aren’t communicating properly. In our case, that almost always means the webserver isn’t connecting to the database that stores information such as whether or not you’ve read a post in a thread. (Among many other things, of course.) So if you get 502 errors, it’s entirely possible the posts you read aren’t be recorded as read.

Problems like this are why we need to change hosts, by the way. Manually restarting servers shouldn’t be necessary. :frowning:

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Thanks for the explanation.

Thank you!

I’m getting a new error message this morning. 500 vs 502.

Likely this is the same root cause, but a slightly different symptom. Thanks for letting us know.

I am having both problems. I received a 502 error for a PM that I sent (multiple times), but it is not in my sent mail. This only happened today.

Also, my blue circle notifications don’t seem to be updating correctly. This has been going on for a while.

Last night I got a 502 error.

And the blue circle notifications change sometimes when I read the latest posts, but not all the time.