Difficulty to get in as a transfer student?

I applied to transfer to Binghamton as a mathematics major in the Harpur school and was wondering what the difficulty is to get accepted as a transfer student. Also was wondering if anyone knows when Harpur usually gives notification about decisions. Would you guys be able to take a look at my information and let me know what you think my chances are? I will list my credentials below and all that stuff.


HS GPA: 3.3
SAT: 1680(three part)
ACT: 26

I took some courses in high school for college credit so I have transcripts from Farmingdale University and Stony Brook University without me attending their college. I emailed binghamton and they said they do in fact consider the college gpa’s from those high school courses due to the fact that they are college level courses. I currently attend St. Johns University. My college credits will be listed below

Farmingdale University( 2 accounting courses): 4.0
Stony Brook University( 2 language courses) : 3.15
St Johns First Semester: 2.94
St Johns Second Semester Progress Report(at midterm deadline): 3.54

I think you have a chance. I got accepted and my gap was a 3.13 (I had 2 bad semesters years ago , took some time off , came back and did really well by earning only As & Bs. Also got my AA degree). So I do think you have a good shot. They got back to me pretty quickly. My app was complete on Feb 12th and on Feb 22nd I got accepted.

@karakoo Thank you! yea I got my progress report in on March 16th I believe which completed my app, haven’t heard anything yet