Difficulty to get into the individual schools within rutgers

<p>Is it harder to get in if I apply for a business major than if I apply for political science? both are through the school of Arts and Sciences, but I feel like business (more specifically Accounting) would be harder to get into. Can someone shed some light on this for me? I want to contact them and switch to political science if it will increase my chances of getting in, since there is a good chance I will switch to that if I get in anyway.</p>

<p>Wait, I’m a bit confused. Sorry, haha.</p>

<p>So, you applied to the School of Arts and Sciences, stating that you want to be a business major. However, you decided that you would prefer to pursue a major in Political Science instead because you feel that it will increase your chances? Plus, you wanted to pursue a Political Science major anyway.</p>

<p>Okay, if that’s the case, it shouldn’t matter. IF you applied to JUST the School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers will not reject you because you put down on your application that you have an interest in Accounting/Business major. For School of Arts and Sciences, it doesn’t matter what major you put down. It’s not set in stone. People change it all the time.</p>

<p>The only case where it will be competitive is if you had applied to the Business School. For School and Arts and Science, don’t worry, you major choice will NOT affect you.</p>

<p>In the first and or second year, students take prerequisites such as math requirements, science requirements etc. Then they do a college to college transfer. Business is a separate professional school. It is harder to get in if you’re transfering from another school. Nonetheless, if you’re transfering from Rutgers itself the minimum GPA you need is a 3.2. As of now, I know two of my friends who had the minimum 3.2, he got accepted. I knowanother friend who had 3.3 and he got accepted. If you are applying from highschool, you probably need to have over 1300’s in SAT.(convert this into todays current SATs) if you’re applying to a professional school. If you are applying to SAS, you can get in with like 1200</p>

<p>certain bs programs are more competitive than the other programs. I heard from many sources that for bs programs, accounting and finance, maybe, I’m not sure but you typically would need a 3.4 to be accepted as a sophomore in college.</p>

<p>if you want to do business, apply for the 6-year (i think) program. if you want arts and sciences, major doesn’t matter.
business program is harder to get in though, than arts and sciences.</p>