<p>I'm looking for a digital camera for college, since I won't be able to use the family one once I leave. I'm looking to spend maybe $150 or so, but am looking for a lot of value for the buck. I've been looking at the Nikon Coolpix 3200, hoping to get a deal on eBay, but keep getting outbid because I'm cheap. I want at least 3.0 megapixels, a decent optical zoom, some flexibility with scene settings, and video with sound....I know, I ask a lot for my dollar. Any other suggestions besides the Nikon I was already looking at? Any experience with the Nikon? Any help would be appreciated.</p>
<p>I have the Coolpix. It's a good little camera for relatively cheap. It's sturdy, small, and bears the Nikon name, which I trust. The battery life sucks, but that's the case with all digital cameras. Comes with 14MB internal memory, but I would buy a 128 or 256 card.</p>
<p>Buy a canon...I think the A75 or somehting is in your range. Their cameras currently rock out and the A75 is the same lense and software just with 3 or 3.2 megapixels.</p>
<p>Yeah, I've also been looking at the Canons...any thoughts on the Powershot A400?</p>
<p>I don't really like that series of canons. The opics never looked as good and they use SD which ends up costing more and not being as functional. </p>
<p>Best to look at A70/A75 (A70's are real cheap on ebay) or the digital elph series (available in both SD and CF but I would reccomend CF). I'd bet you could find a 4mp S400 or S410 on ebay in your pricerange and they are great cameras (and 4mp is a great size for a point and shoot). The S400/410 is a nice and small camera that takes beautiful images and uses CF cards so storage is cheap. The li-ion battery lasts a good long while. I have always had a second one so I could swap them if one died instead of waiting for it to charge. I took it on a weeklong trip to NYC and only had to swap batteries at the end of the trip.</p>
<p>what can you get with 300 dollars?</p>
<p>Canon S500 or A95.</p>
<p>Same camera inside, A95 has a bigger case and some more advanced functions are quicker to get to (dial instead of menu). I would reccomend the S500 (not sd).</p>
<p>You can get a Sony with 300 dollars and they are pretty great.</p>
<p>Damn, I wish I wasn't so impatient. I already put a bid out on an A400, though I'd be very surprised (and, quite frankly, pleased) if I didn't get outbid. I bid $110 on a brand new, in box A400 with a 512MB sd card, so I have a feeling I'll be outbid. It looks like there are a few A70's in my range, so perhaps I'll look into that, they look like they have a lot of what I've been looking for...</p>
<p>wt do u guys think of kodak easyshare? either DX or CX models..r they good?</p>
<p><a href="http://www.dpreview.com/%5B/url%5D">http://www.dpreview.com/</a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.photographyreview.com/%5B/url%5D">http://www.photographyreview.com/</a></p>
<p>find the one that best suits your needs</p>
<p>I just bought this Sony 5.1 mp really tiny camera and it was on sale for $299. I already have a SLR and so my main concern in a digital was the size... I wanted something really small so I could put it in my purse and forget about it. I used to have a digital elph but it was getting quirky and not working properly all the time.</p>