Dilemma about Music Supplementals


I am a high-school junior looking to record for the music supplemental portion for many of the colleges I am applying to. My first question is, does SlideRoom have a time cap or a limit to the number of videos I can send (and what would be a recommended time or video cap if not)?

My second question is a bit more niche. As a violinist, I am deciding on pieces to record; one is the first movement of Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto (a bit long). I am deciding on a second piece. Recently, I completed writing a transcription of the second movement of Schubert’s Death and the Maiden String Quartet for three violins and one piano. I am interested in recording each of these three violin and piano parts and combining them into a video to send as another music supplemental. However, I don’t know if this is the best option, or whether I should simply record a different contrasting piece.

Each school has its own recommendations and suggestions. Most say 10-15 minutes of music and a few will give more specific guidelines. (some want specific types of pieces, some have firm length limits, etc). However annoying it seems to be, we have found you have to check every single school. My S24 is also recording soon and will record several pieces that are finished now and more in the fall so he has choices to send for each school.
I have no idea for the second question, I would think standard is best but I am not an expert on this.

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I strongly suggest that you post in the music major forum.

If you are discussing supplements, I assume you are applying to non-audition BA programs, in which case it won’t be like submitting prescreening for an auditioning BM program . My music kid cued the best three minutes after asking one college. Solo work may be best: ask the schools. The supplements my kids did included music resume and letters of recommendation related to music. The letters were especially helpful.

If you are applying for a performance music major, there will be very specific instructions for each school, as a prescreen for audition. If you are simply submitting a music supplement, 3 minutes of your single best solo performance. They have a lot of applications to review. You can also submit a music resume. My kid submitted 2 academic and 2 music letters.

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Also, make sure that you are following guidelines for any scholarships. Many non Ivy schools have music scholarships that have specific requirements. I have a 2 page spreadsheet for all of the schools that S24 is considering with their deadlines, scholarship info and which require in person auditions for the scholarships. Music can really help you so details are important, good luck!