If you think you may run out of funds earlier than anticipated, you can add money to your Husky Card Account, which can be used anywhere the Dining Account is accepted, and at many off-campus locations.
<p>So why do we need a dining account if the Husky Card Account can do the same thing?</p>
<p>You’re required to have a dining plan if you live on campus. I would recommend bronze because you can put money on your husky card and use it in the dining halls and on the ave.</p>
<p>The main difference is that the money on your dining plan rolls over every quarter but dissapears at the end of the year. Money on your husky card stays on the card until you graduate.</p>
<p>Does the dining account have any advantages at all? I don’t understand why they have those different dining plans when you can just add more money in later :S</p>
<p>I’m not really sure. But I know you’re required to sign up for a dining plan when you apply for housing. If you’re not living in the dorms, you dont have a dining plan.</p>