Dining- basic or collegetown debit?

<p>I did a little bit of calculating, and it appears that it is actually more expensive to pay for dining hall meals with a bear basic (7 meals/wk) meal plan than with BRBs. Since there are about 17 weeks in a semester and 7 meals/wk, that would equal 119 meals, and the price for the basic meal plan is $2050 - (500 BRBs) = $1550, so1550/119 is more than $13 per meal.
To my knowledge, most of the dining halls charge less than 12 BRBs for dinner, and certainly less for breakfast/lunch.</p>

<p>Doesn't it make more sense to get the collegetown debit plan for $835 ($750 BRBs and 10 meals/semester) rather than a traditional meal plan then? I won't be forced to have a set number of meals/wk and could use BRBs in dining halls if needed, (also wouldn't be forced to buy the $500 BRBs with the meal plan, and could purchase as needed).</p>

<p>I hope none of my calculations are wrong, thanks for any input!</p>

<p>Where would you be living?</p>

<p>probably collegetown apartment, or one of the collegetown dorms… to get the collegetown debit meal plan. why does it matter?</p>

<p>Because if you are living in Sheldon or Cascadilla, and thinking about getting BRB plan, you HAVE TO get the collegetown debit meal plan. I’m not so sure whether you can get the standard meal plan or not.</p>

<p>yes you can, anyone can apply for a traditional meal plan</p>