Dining options?

<p>Hi all, </p>

<p>Just wondering what everyone has thought of the dining halls at UA. As I will be on the full meal plan next Fall (freshman) i was just wondering what to expect…particularly from Lakeside Dining (which will be close to my dorms)</p>


<p>My kids always liked eating at Bryant for lunch, Burke or Lakeside for dinner…and sometimes Fresh Foods for breakfast (when they allowed themselves time for breakfast).</p>

<p>Lakeside doesn’t usually serve breakfast, but if you’re in honors, then Fresh Food is on your way to classes.</p>

<p>Lakeside is NOT good. Fresh Foods is a lot better and the people that work there are also a lot nicer…</p>

<p>I can never understand why Lakeside doesn’t seem to get its act together. It’s a very nice facility, but the complaints that the food is better at the other venues keep coming year after year.</p>

<p>I’m not even sure who the right person to complain to is.</p>

<p>That is our assessment as well. Lakeside is passable, but my S tries to avoid it at all costs.</p>

<p>It particularly frosts me that Fresh Foods has such limited hours of operation and does not serve breakfast. Not open on the weekend when family is there to move their student in??? My personal opinion is that it is a bit of a ploy to “encourage” extra expenditures of dining dollars (and eventually further out of pocket expense) at the various other eateries which seem to have much more flexible hours.</p>

<p>My S lives in Presidential, and most of the time he and his mates hike it all the way over to Burke because he says the food is so much better. Neither he nor I have had a chance to try Bryant yet, but I would like to.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that Lakeside, Fresh foods, Burke, and to a lesser extent Bryant all serve the same foods, but on a slightly different rotation. Each dining hall has some excellent employees and some questionable ones. Oddly enough, many of my favorite employees either work at Lakeside or originally worked at Lakeside. Lakeside serves more people and if people eat there more often, they are more likely to notice little things that others miss on their occasional visit.</p>

<p>If you have problems at any of the dining halls, speak with the manager, which would usually be James at Lakeside, Nancy aka Momma at Bryant or whoever else is dressed in business casual or has their picture on the wall.</p>