Dining plan and Room preferences

I am wondering if 13 meals a week is enough if I just really eat cereal and fruit for breakfast. Also, I need help with room preference order knowing I am in the Honors college. I was told that Honors students will be in the honors dorms or Parker. Does this look like a good list for freshman preferences? I know I won’t be placed in a single but I had to make 12 selections. I have toured Purdue but they did not allow us to see the inside of a room. They just showed us a model room set up for tours.

My daughter thought the 13 plan was perfect. You can rent or buy a dorm fridge and microwave.

When my D was a freshman she just had four choices of housing options but it didn’t really matter because of honors.

Here’s the link to the YouTube tour of honors: - YouTube

There are also unofficial tours on YT so you can see what the dorms look like when they are decorated.

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I called the honors college to ask if the quads were 2 beds in 2 rooms or 4 beds in a double room. They did not know .

They reason they probably hedged was that they are 4 beds in a large room that is divided by a partial wall.

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Did your daughter just let them assign a roommate?

My son has meals left with the 13 meal plan. This also gives you 450 dining bucks per year.
My son found a friend on the Facebook site that is set up to scout for people you might like to room with. I think you do some survey questions to help you get started. It worked well for him. They have a double with AC.

Where is this Facebook page?

I am not sure. He just ran with it and picked his roomy before the choices got slim.

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My daughter did go random. It worked out well for her. She was in a quad and liked all three of her roommates.