Direct BSN Programs

Hello, I am currently a high school senior and I am beginning my application process for university. I have an interest in nursing and I am wondering what schools are reach schools, target schools, and safety schools for me. I have a 1290 SAT (I took October SAT and scores come out on Friday), a 3.8 UW GPA, 4.4 W GPA (rank 55/1050 in class), and a 4.08 UC GPA. I also have 100+ volunteer hours at a nursing home. For extracurriculars, I am in volleyball, science olympiad, an officer for Catholic club, catechist for 4-6 graders, California Scholarship Federation, Filipino Club, and Key Club.

I know some of these are indirect programs, but here are some schools I have researched and found interest in:

-Azusa Pacific University
-Cal Baptist University
-West Coast University
-Cal State Fullerton
-Cal State Long Beach
-Cal State San Marcos
-Cal State Los Angeles
-Cal State Bakersfield
-Cal State Sacramento
-San Diego State
-San Francisco State
-UC Irvine
-UC Los Angeles

I ask for assistance on what colleges I would have a good chance of getting into with my current academic discourse. I know nursing is competitive and I truly do not know if I have a chance of going to a direct nursing program. I plan on getting my BSN, taking NCLEX to become an RN, and work for maybe 1 or 2 years before I go back to school for my NP.

@kuyanoah Try Arizona State Univ. (ASU). Their Direct Admin requirement is 3.3 GPA and they have more openings than CA schools. Must keep 3.5 GPA to proceed onto Junior year. With your grades, you will get a scholarship so the out-of-state tuition won’t be an issue with a good merit scholarship. There is an ASU page where you can calculate which merit scholarship you would get. The ASU Nursing program is on the downtown Phoenix campus, not the main, Tempe, AZ campus. Best wishes.

P.S. UC Irvine nursing students take classes that pre-meds take so it’s much more rigorous.

i’ll definitely look at ASU! thanks.

UCI and UCLA are Reach schools since their direct admit programs have less than a 3% acceptance rate. SDSU and CSU Fullerton direct admit are also tough and it would help to have a higher SAT score (1350+) for the best chances. SDSU however only accepts up to the November sitting for the SAT/ACT.

I think you have a decent chance at the rest of the schools on your list. CSU San Marcos is a direct admit designated for local area applicants.

Best of luck and here is a link to direct admit programs:

Hey, thank you for response. I recently got a 1400 on my SAT, do you think that will improve my chances from my previous score?

A 1400 SAT will make you more competitive for all the direct admit Nursing programs especially SDSU and CSU Fullerton along with the UC’s. UCLA/UCI should still be considered Reach schools due to the low acceptance rate.

Some Nursing stats and information below:

SDSU 2019:
Average CSU capped weighted GPA: 4.15
Average SAT score: 1380
Average EI: 4694
Acceptance rate: 5.3%

UCI 2019:
Fall 2019 freshman applicants: 3045
Fall 2019 freshman admissions: 52 (1.7% admitted)
Average UC GPA: 4.17 GPA
Average total SAT score (new version): 1357

CSU Fullerton has new admission requirements:

UCLA 2019:
Acceptance rate: 2%
Applied: 3252
Admitted: 53