Direct-Entry BSN

Hello, I am currently a high school senior and I am beginning my application process for university. I have an interest in nursing and I am wondering what schools are reach schools, target schools, and safety schools for me. I have a 1400 SAT, a 3.8 UW GPA, 4.4 W GPA (rank 55/1050 in class), and a 4.08 UC GPA. I also have 100+ volunteer hours at a nursing home. For extracurriculars, I am in volleyball, science olympiad, an officer for Catholic club, catechist for 4-6 graders, California Scholarship Federation, Filipino Club, and Key Club.

I know some of these are indirect programs, but here are some schools I have researched and found interest in:

-Azusa Pacific University
-Cal Baptist University
-West Coast University
-Cal State Fullerton
-Cal State Long Beach
-Cal State San Marcos
-Cal State Los Angeles
-Cal State Bakersfield
-Cal State Sacramento
-San Diego State
-San Francisco State
-UC Irvine
-UC Los Angeles

I ask for assistance on what colleges I would have a good chance of getting into with my current academic discourse. I know nursing is competitive and I truly do not know if I have a chance of going to a direct nursing program. I plan on getting my BSN, taking NCLEX to become an RN, and work for maybe 1 or 2 years before I go back to school for my NP.