disadvanteages with oxford

<p>are there any disadvantages with choosing to go to oxford. less opportunities? not as prestigious -- or does it matter since you still receive an Emory diploma.? How smooth is the transition? Is it easier to get scholarships?</p>

<p>I didn't go to Oxford, but I did go to Emory. A lot of classes at Oxford seem to have been smaller, and the people who I met when they were juniors at Emory (Oxford transfers) all seemed to love Oxford. There were lots of international students. Also, the Oxford Scholars blend into the Emory Scholars when they transfer; the scholarships continue at Emory for the last two years. I'm not sure as to whether or not Oxford Scholars is easier to get or not.</p>

<p>Hmmmm....I'm thinking since Oxford is a lot smaller and out of the way than the main Emory campus, so I'm guessing it'd be harder to coordinate research opportunities at the Medical center or CDC or something like that, unless you have/bring a car.</p>

<p>phonyreal98 are u a current Emory main campus student?</p>