<p>Does anyone know if colleges offer any kind of discount when you have two children attending? Please say yes!! :)</p>
<p>Don’t think so! But, financial aid could very well be different. If you never applied for FA before, and you may need it for the second chunk, by all means, apply now. For both kids.</p>
<p>[Undergraduate</a> - Tuition & Fees - Roger Williams University](<a href=“http://www.rwu.edu/about/administration/bursar/tuitionandfees/undergraduate.htm]Undergraduate”>http://www.rwu.edu/about/administration/bursar/tuitionandfees/undergraduate.htm)</p>
<p>Some do but it should be clearly listed on their website under “tuition and fees”. One
example is Roger Williams University. See the link above.</p>
<p>GW used to give 50% off tuition if you had two in that school at the same time.</p>
<p>I wish. Two of mine attended the same school for three years. No discount.</p>
<p>My two are consecutive, not concurrent. I nerver expected a deal, and I never got a deal. But I wonder what the logic is for giving a break if you have two in at the same time. The bottom line’s the same whether they were consecutive or concurrent.</p>
<p>Some privates do</p>
<p>Thanks for your replies!! It was a question someone asked my husband at work today so i thought i would get some feedback. We did however recieve a discount at the Catholic high school they attended, so I thought maybe it was worth a shot! :)</p>
<p>There are some private institutions that offer discounts when multiple siblings are attending the institution at the same time. If they are twins or trips, there are some schools that offer special discounts or scholarships to the family. It may take a little work, but it is possible.</p>