Discrete math or calculus 2? Upper division statistics course?

Hey guys so I have to take one more math class to graduate from the business school and I’m wondering whether I should take discrete math or calculus 2. I know I know for a senior it’s kind of pathetic to be taking these classes this late, well at least if you’re applying to competitive graduate schools. Anyways, I’ve heard a lot of bad stories about calculus 2? Which math course is harder in your opinion? At the moment I’m kind of leaning towards calculus 2 but I had a really bad experience in my introductory business statistics course. The professor had a really low rating on rate my professor and every class felt like an upper-division MIT course. Also has anyone taken an upper division statistics course? Is it really that bad?

In my opinion, any math class should be down to the professor. I’ve taken 5 math classes (none of them discrete math, unfortunately) and had a WIDE range of experience between them. Personally, I thought Calc II was fine. Actually, the only two classes I DIDN’T like were because of the professor (and it was the same guy for both). If I were you I’d look at the professors for each and ask around. Online ratings might help a bit, but I’d ask someone you know and trust (if possible). Some people complain just to complain and might deter you from taking a class you might otherwise enjoy.