<p>So.....any comments?</p>
<p>About a month ago, a friend sent "one of the final drafts" to me. I was unsure about the authenticity, as it was indeed 600+ pages (who would waste their time writing a whole faux version?) was remarkably like JKR's style, and extremely complex and realistic. </p>
<p>That is, until I read the latest version that popped online, the pics of the books, etc. I read the whole thing and i'm extremely sure it's the real one. It's quite different from the version I had read, however, there were some specific similarities/occurrences which made me think that the previous "leaked version" was a very early draft. (and a rather more rated-R one at that)</p>
<p>omg, you ruined it for me!my life is over.</p>
<p>harry potter sucks.</p>
<p>The leaked one earlier was fake.</p>
<p>the leaked one and the delivered one are different. the leaked one is the one that was posted picture by picture on the internet, it is still unknown if that one was real or not.</p>
<p>the delivered books are just that, real books that were delivered early.</p>
<p>it's pretty much definitely real...the leaked source is basically 700 pictures of the 7th book's pages. like, you see the pictures, typing, everything, not a doubtful PDF or word document. </p>
<p>i kind of want to discuss the people who died...but i'm kind of tentative about the ppl who dont want it spoiled for them. it's like geez, if you dont want to know, DONT GO LOOKING FOR IT. dont click on any links, or whatever. if you're like me (i enjoy hp immensely but am certainly not an avid/obsessed/diehard fan, therefore i do not freak out about reading the book two days before it's publicly released. im going to buy it for re-reading anyway), then who cares?</p>
<p>the publishers have already smugly commented that not a single copy will NOT be brought as a result of the leaked pages, anyway.</p>
<p>what is going on? Everywhere I turn, someone is talking about potter!</p>
<p>I've read the first 20 pages or so, but the eyestrain of reading from the photographs is too much, so I've decided to wait.</p>
<p>^ lol how is it so far? don't tell me what happens but is it good so far?</p>
<p>Hm... it's good. The first chapter may be a bit surprising, and some people start acting strangely. For some reason, Rowling's voice sounds a bit different in this book. Maybe</a> it's a fake.</p>
<p>hehe dlp, i hope they're right</p>
<p>I just read finished the book, it was amazing IMO. Didn't care much for the epilogue, but I felt it was necessary to prevent the speculation for a book 8, cause that'll just ruin everything. </p>
<p>In particular the revealing of the truth between Snape and Dumbledore was very surprising to me, as was the history of lily. </p>
<p>I just finished it a couple minutes ago, so i kinda have to take a break. </p>
<p>IluvAs, feel free to PM or reply if you want to discuss.</p>
<p>yes, some people had mentioned it, but then, these had been part of a riduculous quagmire of similar ones (a friend even told me that she heard that voldemort had been in love with lily) i'm just glad it turned out dumbledore isn't such a fool after all. i found it a bit awkward though....severus snape had feelings for lily? um. ew. </p>
<p>hmm...some people died who i would have never expected to die (dobby? hedwig? the firebolt? the last two have got to be the mothers of all innocent bystanders) and some people died who i expected to die (lupin, snape, voldemort, obviously). HEDWIG, though? bit odd. the line where harry thinks about the dead "dumbledore, his parents, Sirius, his owl" made me laugh. </p>
<p>the plot is nicely complicated (especially the part about the deathly hallows - i'm glad it has such significance, i thought the title of the book sounded kind of lame) </p>
<p>oh, the pictures gave my eyes of bit of trouble, but i used the zoom-in button frequently, so it wasn't too bad. not worse than reading an actual HP book anyway</p>
<p>my favorite part was the battle at hogwarts. everyone, especially the teachers, were such ass-kickers. i heart neville in this book.</p>
<p>Damn that mother*<strong><em>er doesn't die. Does this mean that Harry Potter *</em></strong> would continue?</p>
<p>I hope not, it would be best if the harry potter series ended here, because this is a very good conclusions to the series. If Rowling tired to continue it, this book would then lose its importance as being the last book of the series. </p>
<p>Harry DOES die, he just pulls a neo, then comes back and kick agent smith's ass, if you know what i mean. </p>
<p>It seems that the epilogue cemented the ending of the series, as it depict the main characters 19 years into the future, and they had kids too. So it would be foolish to assume that they would still want to go out and have "adventures".</p>
<p>The story between Snape and Lily surprised me very much. I always hada feeling that Snape was a good guy, despite killing dumbledore. He always seemed like someone that would be the opposite that you thought he would be.</p>
<p>although i can't read any of the above posts because i don't want to know what happens...was it good?</p>
<p>Yes. I think it is the best book and that its a brilliant ending to the series. I just hope she doesnt write anyone, bc it can only go downhill</p>
<p>yes, definitely. my favorites overall were the 3rd, 4th, and 7th (not in any particular order). These three were the most imagininative, witty, and wildly entertaining. HP has consistently been called overrated, and i myself am no obsessed fan (criticize it if you want, i wont attack you) but i personally think that seriously, just because HP isn't in the same format or genre as catcher in the rye or pride and prejudice doesn't mean it's not good. </p>
<p>and yes, some ppl attack HP for its "lack of original content"....i agree that certainly there are striking similarities between HP and other stories, but the way JK ties up all the myths/legends/plot twists is really, you have to admit, kind of genius. not to mention touching...you really get involved w/ the characters....whether you hate ron for his fickleness or admire bellatrix lestrange (i kind of do, shes so kickass. i cant believe she went that way. MRS WEASELEY? gimme a break. why couldnt neville have at least avenged his parents?) </p>
<p>yeah, i hope there are no "prequels" or sequels, for that matter. i hate sequels (unless its a series, of course). for every good sequel you can name, i can name thirty bad ones. i dont want to hear about the goody adventures of harry's children, or "the teenage life of the four marauders" (actually come to think of it, i wouldnt mind reading about their lives...we already know so much about them)...</p>
<p>I agree, the series is definitely not defined as great literature, but more as popular or pop culture writing. The reason why the series became so popular in the first place was that it appealed to the mass audience, particularly children. The books were easy to read, and engaging. You do get involved in the books and thats why people love reading them so much. Other fantasy novels do not give that kind of luxury of ease. I remember trying to read LOTR in middle school and i put the book down after 40 pages because it was too hard to follow. </p>
<p>The way rowling brings the stories together is very applealing as well. The plot twists are brilliantly written. In addition, the character development of not only the major characters, but the minor ones, is notable as well. Every character in the novel is important, and they all have their own story. </p>
<p>That being said, I'm glad the series are over, i hate reading.....</p>
<p>spoilers i know of</p>
<p>harry and ginny have a kid albus severus, a dumbledore snape hybrid thus snape redeems himself before voldemort kills him. Harry kills voldemort in the ministry of magic and some other random ****. mail me if you want to know more.</p>